The Joy of Giving Back

Dancers not only dance because it makes them feel good, they dance to share their passion and art.  When we get the chance to share with our community, dance is elevated to new heights.  Last month, Kehl dancers took to the stage to not only to raise awareness for the art of dance, but to raise money so that less fortunate kids might have the chance to dance.  This month, we danced to win money for a local kid’s charity.  Teaching our kids to bring their talent to serve our community not only feels good for everyone, but teaches our kids to be good citizens.  We applaud them today!

Photo by Patrick stutz

The DO's and DON'Ts of Practicing Dance At Home

Many of our students love dancing at home! If your child is one these non-stop movers, you might wonder “What can I do to encourage this practice in a safe way?  How can I foster this passion?”

DO designate a safe space in your home for practice; one with open space and no trip hazards. DON’T allow tap shoes on scuff-able floors.

DO challenge your child to show you what they remember from class, but don’t worry if they just want to improvise their own moves!  Regardless, they are expanding their knowledge and passion. DON’T expect perfection with at-home practice; it should feel relaxed and carefree as much as possible.  Don’t hesitate to join the fun!

DO download their Spring Recital dance music from your Kehl parent portal if they want to practice their dance at home.  DO take a video of their dance steps when the instructor invites parents in, in case they need little reminders to help their confidence. Practicing dance at home should always feel comfortable and supportive so that your child can unleash their creativity and joy for dancing.  If you ever have any questions about what is safe or appropriate to practice at home, please ask! We’re happy to help.

5 Reasons Everyone Needs to Dance

Not everyone thinks they are a “dancer”, but consider these reasons why you might want to try a dance class!  Even if you don’t think you have a rhythmic bone in your body (or your child’s body), you will find rewards you haven’t considered yet.

1.       Your body will feel stronger and lighter.

2.       Your brain and body will make special connections.

3.       You will unlock a new appreciation for your favorite or new songs.

4.       You will make new friends.

5.       You will feel empowered and proud of yourself.

There is much more we would love to share with you. Just take the next step and reach out to us!

Getting The Most Out of Your Dance School

While the “studio” is the place we come to dance, Kehl is structured much like your child’s school.  We meet for “class” each week and build our skills over a 9 month school year.  

Dance class is a lot like school in many ways: your child explores new ideas, practices skills, solves problems, and develops friendships.  Unlike school though, dance classes don’t have a new grade level every year.  This can seem strange at first, but for dance education it’s very normal and expected! 

 Just like school, laying down and perfecting the foundation is a long term endeavor.   Perfecting the foundational steps of dance are critical to safety, body awareness and long term success.  For example, we learn how to do a “plie’” very early in class, and work to perfect it throughout a dancer’s life.  Helping set the expectation early that new steps are not learned every class, or even every year will prevent a student  from getting bored.  

Achievements in dance can be seen in small ways and big ones, and we advocate for celebrating both!  It may be just getting your child to enter the classroom without hesitation.   It is important for you to know that progress is taking place in every class and deserves praise!

Dancers having fun in dance class

The Joy of Ballet

I was going to call this the “Benefits of Ballet”, but the feeling of being in a ballet class can really be summed up in one word: Joy!  Your mind and body truly make a connection as you feel your muscles stretch and flex on your way down and up, completing a plie’.  You feel like a bird as you take flight across the dance floor to complete a jete’.  Hear the beautiful piano music as you pirouette. Whether you are 3, 13, 33 or 93, the joy of movement in ballet class will always be there.  We encourage you to give it a try!

Voted # 1 Place to Dance in Madison 2024

Our community has spoken! The staff at Kehl would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who voted us the best place to dance in Madison! We have a special place reserved for 50 new students looking for a community of wonderful kids, parents and teachers! Join us today! SEASON 24-25 - MINI SESSION

Shopping For Dancewear...WE CAN HELP!

Whether you seek the cute and perfect outfit or just want to take the pain out of shopping for shoes, WE CAN HELP!

The most important item for your dancer is their shoes. They do NOT fit like normal shoes, so shopping for them online will result in ordering the wrong size, color or even shoe. Your local dance studio will often sell exactly what you need AND guarantee the proper fit. At Kehl Dance Supply, you will get what you need, usually for less than the same item online WITHOUT the hassle. Our full service in-studio store has a large selection of leotards, skirts, dance bags, and the tights and shoes that lead to success in the classroom for your dancer. Make an appointment with us for a full service experience today! SEE HOURS

Successful Dance Recital - Kehl School of Dance Acknowledges it's 144th Season of Dance

Since 1880, the Kehl dancers have been taking the stage to present their achievements and talents in the annual Spring Recital Performance. This year preschool dances in ballet and hip hop were once again audience favorites, as well as accomplished dance team members including 14 graduating seniors. Over the years, we have found the key to putting on a successful recital. Some of the things we focus on include:

  • Keeping it light and fun

  • A dry-run dress rehearsal prior to the show, in and out in 30 minutes

  • Professionally made costumes with lots of colorful lighting

  • FREE post recital video of the dances to all families

As teachers and staff, we’d like to acknowledge and thank the parents for their trust, support and the countless hours spent at the dance studio over the season. A child gracing the stage will leave with a level of confidence that few other experiences can match. We hope to see everyone (and their friends) again next season!

Sign Up For Summer Dance Classes at kehl Dance in Madison, Fitchburg, Verona area.

Summer Registration Now Open at Kehl School of Dance

We are excited to announce that summer registration for dance classes at Kehl School of Dance is now open! Get ready to elevate your dance skills, stay active, and have fun this summer with our dynamic classes. Secure your spot today and get ready to dance your way through summer!

Let our experienced instructors guide you as you learn new skills. From hip hop to acro, ballet to contemporary, tap to jazz dance classes, you will enjoy the creativity and fun of learning to dance! We have classes for all ages and levels of experience.


Dance Leaps Bring Joy at Madison Dance Studio

Humans are not made to fly…or are they? One of the fundamental skills of any dance class is learning to leap, that is pushing your body into the air! Dance leaps bring a feeling of power and exhilaration as the body soars into the air. Dance leaps build muscular strength and leaning to land properly is a technique learned in dance class. From Madison’s longest running dance studio and In honor of Leap Year 2024, the Kehl dance students performed various leaps during class.